The Undergraduate Research Office conducts research and assessment on the experiences of students and faculty at Michigan State engaged in various research and creative activities. During the spring and summer of each year we collect data via the Undergraduate Research Survey. Additionally, data is routinely collected via focus groups and additional surveys of students, faculty, and staff throughout the year. The results of various reports are listed below.

If you are submitting a grant and need statistics on undergraduate research at MSU, please contact our office. If we do not have the specific data that you require, we probably know where to find it.

  • Initial Impacts of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Research -- survey conducted by members of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) during spring and summer 2020. Note: This data is not specific to MSU.
  • 2015 MSU Undergraduate Research Report -- provides an overview and discussion on the results of the 2015 survey for undergraduate researchers funded through the Provost's Undergraduate Research Initiative.
  • 2009 College Undergraduate Research Overview -- explains the different models of funding and organizations that MSU colleges use for their undergraduate research programs.
  • Faculty Impact--looks at how faculty influence undergraduate research experiences and shares faculty insight on how working with undergraduate researchers have impacted their own scholarship.